Friday, January 15, 2010

Someone tried to steal my car!!! no joke!

Thursday night i was almost a victim of a CRIME!!! scary?? I'd have to say so! I got home around... 8:33 and at 8:36 my car alarm was going off!!!!! so i look out my window and i see a guy running out of my driveway and down my road!!! NOT KIDDING!! so I did what any girl would do...ran and got my dad and told him to go kill the guy!! and while my dad was running outside i called andrew in a frenzy!!! HA! Kenny (aka dad) didn't see the guy.. but he made me pull my car in the garage! :) you'd think my car would be safe seeing as i live in a very...remote? area! but NO!!! there's stupid people who like to steal things in Slaterville Utah too!! SO!! moral of the story.... LOCK YOUR CAR!! and carry pepper spray around!!!...( and go take karate lessons Just in case!!!)

1 comment:

  1. I was so shocked when I read this post! How scary!!! I'm glad that he didn't get away with the new ride though.
    When we lived in West Haven Jeff never ever locked our cars and I told him one day something was going to get stolen...thankfully nothing ever did.
