Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Oh my goodness!!!! Is no where in the world hiring??????! cause it seems as if that is the case! 8-O AHHHH (p.s. that is my freaking out face) I need a job! so so bad! and NO WHERE IN THE STATE OF UTAH is hiring me!!!! is anyone else having this problem or is it just me???? so ummm if you're reading this and you feel like being generous and you know of somewhere where i could get a job the help would be greatly appreciated! ;)


  1. Keri i had no idea you had a blog! Fun! Anyways... Trust me i know how you feel... i am having the same trouble. If you do find something let me know also! :) You and Andrew are very cute by the way! :) :) :)

  2. Thanks Candice!! :) I'm SOOO happy for you and brent!! :)
